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Add a New Campaign

Campaigns are the messages, notifications, emails and push notifications that you can send to your team league players (recipient).

Team League Messages

You can choose to send messages to your team league players in – email, or text form.

To create a new campaign, navigate through Team Leagues > Messages:

  1. Select a campaign/message template option from the Select a Template dropdown. Then, click on Add a Campaign, you’ll be redirected to a new page.

    Team League Campaigns

  2. In the Filters section, enter the Campaign Title, Reply to Email, From Name in the respective fields. Select the Season, Type, Date & Time to Send, Gender from their respective dropdowns and options. Before you schedule your campaign, you will also have to select any one (or all) of these options through which you want to reach your members -

    • Email - If the campaign is Email specific, click on the Email option. Enter the Email Subject, Email Body in their respective fields before proceeding.
    • Texting – If the campaign is text specific, click on the Texting option. Enter the text body in the Body section before proceeding.

    Team League Campaign types

  3. Click on Save to save the new campaign. On successful save, you’ll get a pop-up message about the Campaign being created. Moreover, you can see your new campaign details in the Messages page.

  • You can enter either of the following for your campaign – Text, Email.

  • Or, you can create a campaign entering details in all to reach the team league’s players through all mediums.

  • All campaigns are queued within 15 minutes of being sent.

Get Campaign Details

The Messages page gives you access to -

  • planned campaigns – campaigns to be run in future date,

  • completed campaigns – campaigns finished running in prior date.

    Team League Set Messages

Campaigns display the following details –

Send Datedisplays campaign’s date (new/completed), time (new/completed) and time zone.
Titledisplays Campaign’s title.
Queuedisplays Campaign’s queue.
Sentdisplays number of team league players/members the message was sent to.
Readdisplays number of team league players/members the message was read by.
Clickdisplays number of team league players/members who opened/interacted with the message.
Errorsdisplays number of errors occurred while sending the message/campaign.