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Payment Methods

Team League’s Payment Methods allows you to link a payment method for the league’s transactions. Payment methods are stored securely stored through the Stripe platform and are used for all upcoming payments related to the selected Team Leagues.

In Team Leagues > Payment Methods section, you get the payment modes added by the user to access the league and/or its services.

If user has more than one payment methods linked to their account, the default (active payment method) payment method will be marked as default.

Team League Payment Method

Attach Payment Method for Team Leagues

Payment methods allow the selected Team Leagues to make payments to a party/entity. These payment methods can be – Card (Credit Card) or ACH (ACH Banking).

To add a payment method to team leagues, navigate through Team Leagues > Edit League > Payments Methods:

  1. Click on the +Attach Payment Methods, it’ll open a new section where you have the option to add a payment method – Add Credit Card, Add ACH Banking.

    Team League Payment Method

  2. Add Credit Card – Here’s how you add a credit card as a payment method –

    a. To add a credit card as team league’s payment method, click on the +Add Credit Card in the Card section. It’ll redirect you to a new page – Add Credit Card.

    Team League Payment Method - Credit Card

    b. Fill in the team league’s card details in the Add Credit Card section – Name on Card, Card Number, Expiry, CVV/CVC, Zip/Postal code, and click on Save.

    c. On successful addition of the card, you’ll get a success message about it. The new changes will be reflected in the team league’s Payment Methods page.

  3. Add ACH Banking – Here’s how you add an ACH Banking account as a team league’s payment method –

    a. To add an ACH Banking account, click on the +Add ACH Banking in the ACH section. It’ll redirect you to a new page – Add Bank Account (ACH).

    Team League Payment Method ACH

    b. Fill in the user’s ACH Banking details in the Add Bank Account (ACH) section – Account Holder Name, Email, Full Name, Bank’s Name (select from the given options or search in the Search bar).

    c. Once the Bank Name is added, you’ll get a pop-up prompting you to Agree to the Terms and Conditions and log in with the user’s bank details. Click on Agree and Continue to connect the ACH payment mode.

    d. After successful addition of ACH payment mode, click on Back to Pickleball Brackets LLC to return back to Payment Methods page. The ACH bank account is added as a payment method but not saved.

    e. Click on Save to finally save the user’s ACH Banking details. On successful addition of the ACH Banking, you’ll get a success message about it. The new changes will be reflected in the user’s Payments > Methods page.

  4. If the selected team league already has payment methods added to it, you’ll see the added payment methods reflect here. Click on the Attach option against the payment method you want to attach to the selected team league.

    Team League Payment Method Attach

  5. On successful payment method attach, you’ll get a success message about it. The new changes will be reflected in the team league’s Payments Methods page. Now that the new payment method is attached to the selected team leagues, it’ll be the primary/default method of transaction for the team league.


If you decide to enter the ACH Bank Details in the Add Bank Account (ACH) page manually, it’ll take 2-3 business days to reflect in the team league’s account.

Set Default Credit Card for Team League Payments

A default payment method is team league’s active(main) payment method. It lets the team league make payments for any league-related transactions without selecting a payment method when making a payment.

To set a payment method as default, navigate through Team Leagues > Edit League > Payment Methods:

  1. Navigate through team league’s payment methods if they have more than one payment methods added to their account.

  2. Click on Set as Default button on the payment method you want to set as the default payment option – it works both for Credit Card and ACH type payment methods.

  3. Once done, a default tag will appear in the selected payment method, setting it up as the default payment method.

    Team League Default Payment Method


In case the team league has only one added payment method, it will be set as their default payment method automatically.

Delete a Team League’s Payment Method

In case a payment method is wrong, expired, etc. you have the option to delete it completely from the connected team league’s account.

To delete a team league’s payment method, navigate through Team Leagues > Edit League > Payment Methods:

  1. Navigate through team league’s payment methods if they have more than one payment methods added to their account.
  2. Click on the Delete button (bin icon) on the selected payment method you want to delete. Once clicked, you’ll get a pop-up screen asking for delete confirmation on the selected payment method – Remove Payment Method. (Note: This action cannot be undone. Delete only when you are sure it won’t affect team league’s transaction experience).
  3. Click on Delete button to confirm the payment method deletion. Once done, the selected payment method will be deleted from the team league’s payment method screen.

Deleting a payment method is an irrevocable action. Do this only when you’re sure it won’t affect the team league’s experience. In case you want to add another payment method, see -- Add Payment Method.