📄️ Featured Plans
Featured Plans lets you define and change your Club's plan structure.
📄️ Featured Services
Featured Services lets you define and change your Club's services and its details.
📄️ Testimonials
Testimonials are the comments and reviews your users/customers have made about your club, its services, its facilities, etc.
📄️ Highlights
Highlights are the images that appear on your public facing Club Page/Website. You can choose a minimum of 3 images and a maximum of 8 images to be displayed on your club’s Public Page.
📄️ Custom Component
Custom Component can be anything – a link to your social media website, official website of club, official PPA website, other social media handles, buttons for activities, etc. You can place these Custom Component on your club’s public page that your members can interact with.
📄️ Homepage Contact Form
Enable this to add a contact form to your club's Home page.
📄️ Membership Plans
Membership Plans allows you to change, edit, add and delete the membership plans and its details. The changes/addition will be displayed on your club's homepage.