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1.1.8. Managers

Path: Organizations>Edit Organization

The users can have as many managers as they want. When adding a new manager, they can search for and select the manager, and then assign specific permissions. The primary manager has unique capabilities that other managers do not, such as editing, creating, and managing other managers and this page. The owner has the same permissions as the primary manager.

To add a new manager, the user needs to click the “Add New Manager” option seen on the manager homepage.

Add New Manager Pic_1

When a new window appears to search for the desired manager, the user can search and click on the “Add” button beside the name.

Add New Manager Pic_2

Another window appears displaying a set of radio buttons. Each radio button corresponds to a specific benefit that can be granted to the manager. By toggling the radio buttons on or off, the user can customize which benefits the manager is allowed to have.


When the user makes a new manager primary, the previous primary manager will automatically lose their primary status. Only one manager can be primary at a time.

The option to make any manager a “Primary manager” is also available in one of those radio buttons. To change the primary manager the user has to:

  1. Click the Edit button next to the manager he wants to make the primary
  2. Toggle on the Is Primary switch, in the panel that opens on the right.
  3. Click the "Save" button to confirm the change.

Manager radio button